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Freddy Green is about quality of life and joy, and that’s why we also take responsibility for the footprint we leave behind.

Sustainability encompasses many things. For us, it’s about prioritizing locally sourced and organic ingredients, opting out of beef and pork, prioritizing recycled materials in our to-go packaging, sorting waste together with our guests in the restaurant, and collaborating with Daka to recycle our food waste into sustainable fertilizers and energy, among other initiatives.


Organic produce is highly valued at Freddy Green. We are deeply committed to making a difference for public health, the environment, animal welfare, and the future of our children. Therefore, we choose to use organic ingredients wherever it makes sense for everyone’s sake.

As a guest, you will experience a consistent selection of organic items, including milk, eggs, granola, yogurt, butter, and pancakes, while other ingredients such as vegetables and fruits will vary depending on the season. For example, we prioritize Danish conventional cabbage over organic cabbage from Holland. Additionally, there are significant differences in organic standards between countries compared to Denmark, so organic cabbage from Holland may not meet the requirements to be considered organic in Denmark.


Our choice of packaging supplier (EMBACO) is carefully determined based on their knowledge of and ability to deliver sustainable products. It’s not just about paper versus plastic; for example, our plastic cups can be reused up to 10 times, as long as they are sorted correctly, whereas paper cups are incinerated after single use. However, it’s more about obtaining paper products without coating, providing information on how to properly sort the different products for recycling, etc.

We all have a shared responsibility to promote recycling culture in Denmark, and we strive to make it as easy as possible for our guests to correctly sort our packaging.


Cows and pigs are some of the animals that emit the most CO2 when it comes to meat production. That’s why we’ve made an active choice not to offer beef and pork. Instead, we have delicious chicken options and plenty of meat alternatives such as falafels, no-chicken nuggets, no-chicken fillets, as well as various beans and lentils. Don’t worry, you’ll definitely get your protein needs covered here with us – we’ve incorporated it into all of our dishes.


At Freddy Green, we sort our waste in collaboration with our guests according to all regulations. We’ve made it as easy as possible for our guests with sorting stations on each floor, but we need your help to spend those extra 20 seconds sorting with us and, of course, also at home when you pick up takeout from us. You’ll find instructions on most of our packaging on how to sort it. Help us promote sustainability.



Organic doesn’t always equate to sustainability. If a pineapple has to be transported all the way from Africa or a cabbage from Holland, the sustainable mindset quickly disappears. At Freddy Green, we place great emphasis on both organic and sustainability, which is why we prioritize using locally sourced ingredients in our range.

For instance, we’ve partnered with Holmgårds Grønt, a small organic farm in Nibe, and we’ve made an agreement with our main supplier to always deliver Danish-produced products to us whenever possible. For example, our quinoa is produced in Funen, our tofu in Zealand, and our falafels in North Jutland. We like that!


Although we are highly focused on utilizing as much of our ingredients as possible, we cannot completely avoid having some food waste, such as fruit and vegetable peels, quality defects, or production errors. Therefore, we generate a certain amount of food waste during the day. Instead of discarding this, we have it collected by Daka Refood, which recycles all organic waste into green energy, organic fertilizer, and biodiesel. For Freddy Green, this is an investment that makes sense.